Proper Escaping of Single-quotes
If you’ve ever tried building up a command programatically, you may have run into some issues around proper quoting of arguments.
To solve most problems, you can just throw everything inside of a set single quotes. The shell won’t touch anything inside and you’ll be all good.
$ echo "$hello world"; # " world" # or something worse
$ echo '$hello world' # "$hello world"
Then the one remaining question is what to do if you want to include a single quote? Your first inclination may be to escape it with a backslash:
$ echo '$hello \' world' # incomplete
But that’s not how it works :( The way you actually have to go about this is to stop the single-quote pair, escape a single quote, and then start it back up. Here it is:
$ echo '$hello '\'' world' # "hello ' world"
As a bonus, if you try to do this substitution in Ruby, you may try something like:
var = 'hello \' world'
var.gsub('\'', '\'\\\'\'') # "hello ' world' world"
Wat!? That’s not what you wanted! Read that documentation! Let’s try again
var.gsub('\'') { '\'\\\'\'' } # "hello '\\'' world"
There we go! Make it a little prettier even:
var.gsub("'") { %q{'\'} }