Custom RSpec Contexts
Sometimes it can be useful to have custom RSpec contexts. In a recent project, a library which matches Strings to pick up dates mentioned in the string, I really wanted to write tests like:
thoughts_on do
think 'Tomorrow at noon', Date.tomorrow
think 'Today is the best',
# ... a bunch more of the same
.. no writing the same if
’s over and over again
Furthermore, I wanted to do it in a reusable way, so that I wouldn’t need to be defining methods inside of these blocks. I wanted the tests to just get across the data that was needed (in this case, the date in question, and the before & after state for a transformation)
What I ended up learning, is that in RSpec, context
and describe
their evaluation objects. So, I were a Module
and a def
from what I wanted:
module ThoughtMethods
attr_accessor :pickup_parser
def think(phrase, reference)
parser = pickup_parser
it "should see #{phrase} as #{reference}" do
parser.locate(phrase).should == reference
def thoughts_on(today, &block)
example_class = describe "on #{today}"
example_class.extend ThoughtMethods
example_class.pickup_parser =
example_class.class_eval &block
It’s nice because you still get all of the same output & separation, with none of the awkward fluff.